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Morning routines

How do you begin your day? Is it relaxing and productive? Is it rushed and stressful?

Here are a few tips for you to try out to make your morning smoother to prepare yourself for an awesome day!!!

• Wake up 30 mins or even an hour earlier (if you are one of those that likes to say “I don’t have enough time”). If you scroll through Instagram or Facebook during the day, you do indeed have time.
• Apply Collagen Eye Patches and go make yourself a cup of coffee/tea/smoothie or have a glass of water with lemon.
• Personally, I make a cup of coffee, with my eye patches on, and go read for 30 mins. Put a timer on, if you have to rush to start the day.
• Remove your eye patches, do a 5-10 minute meditation. It will change your life if you do it on regular basis.

By reading 30 mins a day you can learn so much in a year. By putting collagen eye patches (or if you prefer a face mask) you are looking after your skin. By meditating you are changing your frequency !!! Discipline and consistency !

Go get it !!! 😊 And have an amazing week!

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